Where is Inspired Marriage Going?

God gave me the marriage ministry idea on December 26th, 2007, when He healed me from 19 years of addictions. At the time, I thought He was crazy because my marriage was in such a ditch. I just didn’t believe it.

Then, sometime in 2012, we were launching other blogs, including a marriage one, when He gave me the name “Inspired Marriage.” I always knew that was an amazing name for the brand of ministry we are building.

So, where do we go from here? I spoke at several conferences in 2018, and I thought that was the breakout year for everything that God had for this Inspired Marriage idea, but it wasn’t just yet. However, we kept posting marriage content and the like.

We are now fully committed to building this ministry, and this is where we plan on going. This has always been the plan, but it’s more honed than ever!

Launching Summer 2024, we will be debuting the Inspired Marriage Podcast. That’s just the first part of all this while we are writing several books right now. Our first book is called “Broken Together,” and the second book will be “Inspired Marriage.”

So, this is the lineup for the ministry:

  • Inspired Marriage Podcast
  • Inspired Marriage Book
  • Inspired Marriage Conference
  • Inspired Marriage Retreats
  • Inspired Marriage Clothing / Merch

We believe we can build a ministry around all this! God has done wonders in our marriage that we feel need to be shared, from healing me (Chris) of 19 years of addictions to pulling our marriage back together after all that. We’ve been through all of our parents’ deaths and so many highs and lows in life.

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I am co-founder of Inspired Marriage. I went through 19 years of addictions until God healed me Dec 26th, 2007. The first 5 years of our marriage was hell because of my addictions. With Sandy's patience, I was able to allow God to work in me and we have been growing spiritually together ever since! Oct 5th, 2023 was 21 years of marriage and it's been an inspired one!

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