As I sit here studying our marriage challenge we put together and thinking about our 40 day fast that we started, I still have to ask God why us? Why did he pick us to launch a marriage ministry? I don’t feel adequate sometimes. I sit here in awe while at the same time nervous because this is something that will affect the lives of other couples. Sometimes I feel inadequate for this challenge because we have been married only 13 years while many others have been for 30+ years and for some reason he called us?
I pray over this all the time because I want to do this ministry right. I guess a part of the reason he may have called us is that I beat with his help 19 years of addictions and the first 5 years of our marriage was a mess because of my addictions. I also destroyed my first marriage because of my addictions so I have seen both sides one where it’s over and one where you finally make that change.
I just feel so overwhelmed on this right now as we plan the future of this ministry. I know God doesn’t use perfect people to accomplish his perfect will. I know that, in fact usually he uses the more messed up people so maybe that is why we are being used like this because in reality I should not be here. I should be dead or in prison based on my past. I went through so many things in my short life but somehow God knew Sandy would change everything for me. He knew she would stand strong in our marriage at the beginning so that he could work on my heart.
My heart aches for other couples that I see struggle. I read a lot of social media statuses each day and many times I see women and men talk about their marriages like its just a thing or they talk about how the other person is treating them and I literally ache for them because I know with a little help, they can flourish. If they would just listen to each other and I mean really listen not just hear, they can change the whole direction of their marriage.
I know if they would drop that ego crap, they can change their marriage. If they both would just become vulnerable with each other it would change everything. I see so many people hide so many things from each other and that is sad. If they would just tell each other what they are truly feeling on the inside, I know that can change everything.
I know if they would just find a way to work less so they can be with each other a little more they would change everything. I know time is our most important asset because if we lose money we can always get money back but once we have used time, we can never get that back.
I know if more couples realized that one day the other one will die, they could change everything in their marriage. There are people that today will find out their spouse passed away and they will have left so much unsaid and will regret that. There are people that will wish they had 5 more minutes with their spouse and you and I still do!
I know that people take each other for granted and if they would change that they would change the direction of their marriage. I know all of this because I watch people and I know without a doubt a lot of this is going on and people are allowing life to get in the way of their connection with God and each other.
I also know if they would just bring God back into their marriage and both of them start growing towards him again they would grow towards each other and would rekindle that passion they used to have.
I don’t know everything about love and happiness but I do know some things and those things are helping Sandy and I live a strong and happy marriage. We may not be perfect but there are things that we do right. I hope and pray that you can find that passion you once had because when you do, your marriage will blossom and God will do amazing things in and through your marriage!
I do not know fully where God is leading us with this marriage ministry but I told God if he wants to use me then I will allow him to. I told him that I will go where he is calling me and right now this marriage ministry is where he is calling Sandy and I. Again, we don’t understand why, we just know we feel the whisper of God so we have to move forward on this! Please keep us and this whole ministry in your prayers!
Thank you!
Chris Benton
P.S. I promise everything we do for this ministry, we will pray over and try to allow God to work in us so we can help other couples!

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