Many marriages are built like the Titanic but with God it can be built like the ARK #Unsinkable. The titanic might look good and the people that built it said not even God can sink it but what did happen? When pride gets in your way, you miss things and they lost the fact that the Titanic was sinkable. Just a small issue brought down the ship. It was something overlooked. It was something if they would have looked into the distance, maybe they would have noticed.
You can learn a lot from the Titanic because it relates so much to marriage. When you think you don’t need God in your marriage, you have already started with pride. I am coming at this from a Christian viewpoint. Most people that read my articles are people that believe in God. If you don’t, you should still get something out of this too.
Another issue they didn’t think about was the fact that they should have prepared for this journey but thinking it was unsinkable, made them neglect the mission. When you neglect your marriage for long enough, you will find yourself hitting all kinds of icebergs too and eventually the hole in your marriage will be so big that your marriage just sinks.
Many times when a marriage is built around pride, couples don’t see any issues until its almost too late but then the pride keeps them from making the changes. When you see them together they look like the poster couple for the new term out there “Power Couple”. They look good, they smell good, they act good but deep inside their are major issues going on that happen between closed doors.
By staying on your marriage and doing daily things to keep your marriage fresh, helps from that happening. By setting up guardrails around things that you foresee that can happen will also help you from hitting icebergs that you should never hit in marriage.
For example, one of our guardrails is we don’t eat or have coffee with someone of the opposite sex unless either spouse is with us or at least there is a 3rd person. This helps keep all parties accountable. So many lies happen in this day and time so you have to build guardrails around your life and marriage so that it keeps all meetings as pure as possible. Some people disagree with us on that part and that’s OK, this is our marriage and one of the things that we do.
They felt like it was unsinkable so they didn’t bring enough life-rafts on board and because of that many lost their lives. Your life-raft is build in your belief of God and each other. Without the proper foundation, when the icebergs are there and if you hit any, a hole will be happen in your marriage.
Some of the things we do to help with building that foundation is we do marriage study through books, sermons, audios, conferences etc… all the time. We participate in our local church while also listening to 5-7 sermons a week on top of that from other pastors that we love. We do the marriage study and discuss what we just heard or watched. We also discuss situations from TV Movies that happen and our take. We watch other couples and discuss that too. You see we turn our environment into a learning experience to grow our marriage.
If you do at least 1 hour a day of personal growth then you should also do 1 hour a day of marriage growth. It is that important. I believe having a 50/50 split in personal and marriage development helps keep your marriage well maintained and balanced!
When you build on the foundation of God and built a life in togetherness then when an iceberg comes if you a guardrail doesn’t make you miss it, at least your foundation can make the two of you come closer together through it. That iceberg can be death, job loss it can be sickness, a baby (Not baby itself but the pressure one puts on marriage when not ready), friends or whatever it is, when it comes, you need to have built a solid foundation already.
Sometimes people think if we have a baby that will bring us closer together but thats just not true. A baby only magnifies what you already have. If you have a weak marriage when you have a baby, that will magnify. If you have a strong marriage, that will also magnify too.
Marriage and a baby don’t solve marriage problems, they just uncover them if they are there! Building a foundation before marriage and especially before a bay is so important because you want to give that baby a safe place and if all you do is argue all the time, you are not doing that.
So do you want to have a marriage built like the Titanic or do you want to build it on a solid foundation with God like the ARK? Thats your choice!
Living an Inspired Marriage,
Chris Benton

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Good, thanks Chris